Rev. David Byrley became our Spiritual Leader on July 1, 2022. He is a New Thought Minister (ordained in 2012 by Madonna Ministries International) and he is currently active in Unity Worldwide Ministries Special Dispensation program working toward becoming ordained as a Unity Minister.
From 2002-17, David collaborated closely with Rev. Barbara Hribar, the Pioneering/Founding Minister of Unity of Medina. She says. “He has a knowing that if a need is from God, the resources will come,” and she resolutely believes that, “The possibilities for Unity are unlimited when we go with the flow of Spirit”, which David DEFINITELY does.
Rev. David has been actively engaged in studying, learning and applying to his life the works of Unity co-founders, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore. He also enjoys sharing what he has learned, and teaches with a practical point of view. His ministry leadership includes serving as assistant minister of Unity of Medina (2015-17), and as Spiritual Leader from December 2020 through June 2022. He served on the church Board of Trustees for 12 years, including the role of Board President from 2007-12.
David is known for being prayerfully, thoughtfully action-oriented, and his breadth of experience includes Christian, Jewish, other world religion, spiritual and prayer ceremonies. The Medina congregation especially admired his wisdom, humility and integrity. His mentors and friends say he is both gentle and strong. His leadership style is strengthened by experience in the for-profit sector, initiating and leading “business growth”, giving him the ability to not only have a big vision but also to share that vision with others and carry it through.
Renaissance feels very blessed that Rev. David felt called to our congregation. Come meet him for yourself. We think YOU will love him, too.